You Are God's Beautiful Creation

For those of you who are tired weary and fearful of the chaos happening throughout the world right now take a gander at the photo below and marvel at the beauty of Gods creation.
You are god's beautiful creation. God made them beautiful. He is the Artist. Jason Lisle on February 28 2008.
Jesus was making a deliberate contrast here between law rules and the way of creation of Gods loving kindness. I was sitting in a crowded restaurant with my family when she walked by in her full-length white satin dress delicately trimmed in lace and studded with tiny. 27 - So God created mankind in his own image in the image of God he created them.
Women are beautiful. He is the Author. The skies proclaim the work of his hands NIV.
The Testimony of Genesis 1 How do we know this. BUT - in Gods eyes the most beautiful of His creation is a broken. He speaks of betrayals divorce and the betrayal he knew just round the corner for himself and compares it with the lives of children those with no rights and says It is to such as these as the kingdom of God belongs.
Genesis 1 describes for us not only the fact of an ordered creation by God but also Gods response to his creation. My own hands stretched out. The heavens declare the glory of God.
You are like Gods poem the product of His awesome creativity. The wondrous world around you is proof of that. GiRlS ArE ThE MoSt bEaUtIfUl cReAtIoN Of GOD.